Rochester, NY
+1 585-496-4470


Web Sites & Online Applications

Toward a Sustainable Future in Haiti

The earthquake in Haiti has been many things – including both a wakeup call for Americans, and an opportunity to demonstrate our compassion – but it has above all been a human tragedy that has revealed the weaknesses and deficiencies that were there before. A 7.5 magnitude earthquake will no doubt cause some damage no…
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My latest game is “EVA, Version 2” – – just something fun to play with right now. EVA stands for “Electronic Virtual Assistant,” an idea I came up with in the 1980s, and actually tried to create, in HyperCard. The idea was to use a kind of rudimentary, mostly simulated, artificial intelligence to have…
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Work in Progress

For the internal to-do list, click here (requires log-in). Here are some of the things I’m currently working on: Outlining the book Conference planning Completing the feasibility study Getting the Incubator approved and funded Moving and backing up all web sites Learning wikis and mailing lists Follow up on Sustainable Business Network Here are…
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Beyond WordPress

Even though WordPress is pretty versatile, easily customizable, and fairly extensible, some of the projects I’ve been involved in lately require more than WordPress, and I’ve been looking at: Wikis Mailing lists Other CMS systems such as Mambo and Joomla and generally trying to extend my capabilities without too steep a learning curve to make…
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My Blogs

First, of course, there’s the one here, which is about hosting and managing sites, both our own and for our clients. Then there’s the one at, which is my personal blog and web site. Then there’s the site, which describes our services and interests, and has a somewhat outdated list of initiatives we’re…
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Creating a Project Management Site with WordPress

One of the best uses for the web is workgroup collaboration, and there is no reason this should be restricted to to the big corporations. Small companies, noprofits, and even ad hoc workgroups can use the Internet to manage their activities, build their work products, and keep each other up to date on who’s doing…
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Gateway to ATG Sites

Welcome to Acumen Technology Group’s new web portal. We’re currently in the process of moving our content from another server, so stay tuned for updates. If you want to contact us, email